Meet The Jumping Beans Team
Jumping Beans was founded by, and is operated by, experts in the field of exercise, sports and early childhood education. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that the Jumping Beans programme delivers the highest quality (and most fun!) active learning environment for you and your child.

Karin Pautz
Jumping Beans Auckland East and North Shore Licensee
Karin has a varied career, spanning over 20 years, including running an early childhood gym in South Africa, teaching toddler stimulation classes, Bodytalk Therapy, Banking, and owning and running an art shop...

Paula Poihipi
Jumping Beans Waikato Licensee
Paula is the proud mother of two talented, creative and gifted daughters whom she has home schooled for many years. Paula has been involved with Jumping Beans for over 14 years. Her passion for the Jumping Bean...